Hi, This week at Jackson's Digital Expressions, the challenge is being hosted by our Inks and Such Team! I love the IAS challenges because they are all about coloring. No themes, Just Anything You want To Color with Any Medium! And of course, because we are always Anything Goes, those who don't want to color or stamp, can still join in the fun. The best of all worlds. We just love creating and looking at the creations of other designers from the novice to the pro!

I fall into the novice category and I probably need to challenge myself more, however, with everything else I have going on right now, I feel a great sense of accomplishment in just meeting all my challenge deadlines and making all my comments. I have three notebooks full of "new things I am going to try" and I own pretty much every toy on the market. I have a Cameo still in the box and two other manual die cutting machines that have never been touched. I do think some of these will have to to wait for my retirement, or for me to finish at least one of the five online classes I recently purchased! I really love my hobby! It allows me to break all the rules that would destroy my OCD soul in any other arena of my life...blessed freedom from myself! :D)
This is a very simple card! I love the sentiment and since the clock marks our age in seconds, I thought the two went together very well! Love can't count and children, of course, always seem to be able to strike at the truth of any matter. Age causes us to lose a lot of things, but it should never cause us to lose the love of those who care about us!
The clock image is from The Cutting Cafe which is sponsoring this weeks challenge. They have some great cutting files so get your project entered for a chance to win!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you in the Challenge!
Mighty Big Hugz,