Saturday, October 28, 2023

Wishes - Using Up My Glitter Stash

Hello, Crafty Makers!

I am now going through my "circle" phase.  For some odd reason, I only want to make cards that include some type of circle.  When I have time, I scour the internet looking for circle card ideas.  Now, I have so many ideas "circling" around in my head that I don't know where to start!   I did throw in a hexagon, but I like the circle better!

This picture does not really do the card justice.   I found this neat design on YouTube.  The designer used Mirror card in her design, but since I didn't have Mirror card, I decided to use Glitter cardstock!  The results on the circle card were much better than on the hexagonal.

I left too much space between my strips on this card so the effect is not as pretty but the card is still nice.  The recipient was pleased and ordered more cards in both styles!  I will tighten the spaces on the new order.

I did order the mirror card, so I will include both materials in the new order for this client!

Thanks for Stopping By!
Chana Malkah!


  1. Both awesome card layouts, these are so pretty, great ideas, thank you for sharing, hugs, Lori m

  2. I really love both of these cards. Great use of the space with these layouts.

  3. What unusual and wonderful cards Chana, I love the designs on both cards, and they have brought in orders, couldn't be better!
    Faith x

    1. Thanks, Faith! The hexagonal one has grown on me! Hugz!

  4. WOW!! I love these cards, Chana! Great technique, thanks for charing. I have to try it.
    Hugs, Mariann


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Happy Crafting!