Wednesday, February 5, 2025

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #818 : Chaos, Confusion, and A New Machine


Hello, WOYWWers!
I had to take a brief break because I had a little health scare. Thank G-d, everything is okay! I have videos for you this week!  
For those who may not know, the WOYWW blog hop is a weekly hop for all crafts. We visit each other's blogs and share inspiration, stories, pictures, and crafts! It is a fun group. Check it out; you may decide to join in. We sure hope so! Sarah is our gracious host. You can link up at her blog.

Chaos and Confusion- My Studio, Hallway, and Guest Bedroom
Liene Photo Sticker Printer and Cutter
When my husband saw this box, he shook his head and walked away!
I like this printer/cutter. The 4"x7" paper size is perfect for creating sticker sheets I can keep in my planner. The machine is fast, and the colors are good. The adhesive needs to be stronger, but since I mostly put my stickers on paper, I am not concerned about adhesion at this stage.  

 Product Links:


  1. that;s quite a desk you have there...!! hope you are OK. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

    1. Thanks, Helen! Hopefully next week I can show an organized desk!

  2. I’m glad that you’re ok Chana after the health scare, now you can move on with confidence. I laughed at your husband’s reaction to that new machine, I bet he’s got a few things like that too! It sounds perfect for your needs, hope you have fun with it!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

    1. Thanks, Jan! You should see his workshop!

  3. I clicked on the link straight away as I have been thinking of getting something like this. Unfortunately it's currently unavailable! Does it take ordinary paper? Was that a selected view of your craft room, I couldn't actually see where you did your work :) Happy Woyww. Angela #13

    1. Next week, a better view of my actual workspaces!

  4. OH! My goodness Chana, so many things to use and enjoy. The print and cut machine looks interesting too. x

    1. Hi, Faith! Yes, I am having fun with the sticker printer and cutter!

  5. That's an interesting new toy, printer and cutter and not too big. You will have fun with that. Sounds like whatever the problem was you're okay now thank goodness. I think my craft space is always in confusion Lol! so I shouldn't worry. Wishing you a very happy woyww with hugs, Angela x12x

    1. Hi, Angela! This weeks confusion is extra!

  6. Oh WOW you are not wrong with the title this week ! So many products, not really heard of some and wonder if they are available here in the UK too? Have fun hugs bj#1

    1. I can't think in the midst of clutter, so I am struggling! We do get invited to review so interesting products sometimes. :D)

  7. So glad your checkup on the health scare is clear. Enjoy your new machines and stash!
    Happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 4 xx

  8. Hi again, the glue holder comes with a bottle of glue which can be refilled when empty and they have a fine nib too, very useful and a lot easier to squeeze the glue out and the position of the bottle in the stand means it's ready to go all the time. Happy crafting Angela x12x

  9. So glad you are in good health. It really means everything doesn't it. Your workspace looks a bit like mine - I need a good sort and tidy! Enjoy your crafting.x x Jo 🌈

  10. Glad to hear that all is well after your health scare Chana. That definitely looks like an interesting and useful piece of kit. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  11. Your room reminds me of mine before I started cleaning it! Your video was really nice, I like how you edited it. I have not done anything like that yet! I watched the Liene sticker Printer, very impressive, until I saw the price! Wow! Good luck with your room, I'm sure it will be awesome when everything has a place of it's own! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

  12. Good morning, Chana.
    We were set up at a trade show all last weekend. First chance I've had to get 'round. I'm checking out both of your videos and will subscribe to your channel. That sticker/ cutter looks like just what I need... you know, after I discussed about having too many tools last week! LOL
    I've been creating my own planner stickers as well. I also have favorite etsy shops I purchase from. Love my planners! Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #14


Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciate it! I try to reciprocate and visit your blogs. If I don't get to you right away, please know that I am on my way there to thank you for your visit.
Happy Crafting!