Wednesday, February 12, 2025

WOYWW #819 - More Mixed Media - Keep Looking Up

Happy Wednesday!
We would love to have you join us at WOYWW.  Just click the link and hop over to Sarah's blog.

 It is amazing how a week can feel both long and short!  
Hello, WOYWW Hoppers!
I had hoped to complete my studio before I needed to post, but I was distracted by the late Chadwick Boseman, Idris Elba, and Denzel Washington!  They could read the phonebook, and I would be just fine with it!
I did manage to get some crafting done.  I completed these three mixed-media projects.

Tuesday night found me working on this Mixed Media Project.
I need to use different software for my photos.  My current software does a lousy job with .heic photo files.  Why does technology keep forcing me to learn new things?

So, last week, when I posted the video of my studio, someone mentioned that they couldn't really see my "actual work" area. I took a couple of pictures. This is where I do most of my work!  But I have four "actual" workstations!
Working on my dragon-fly mixed media project.  I also have a Valentine's Card to finish before Friday.  I don't celebrate Valentine's Day; I almost forgot this order! You can see the keyboard for my iMac, Which sits on a riser; on the right, you can see my iPad.  I usually watch movies and listen to audiobooks on the iPad while working.
New water brushes, brayers, and Pop of Colors!  I record my reviews here!  It is also my Silhouette cutting station!

That's it for me for now!  It is 3:00am, and I am going to bed.  I will visit everyone later today!


  1. What lovely projects, I notice dragonflies feature strongly but who can blame you they are so beautiful.
    I'm with you on the three gents.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

    1. Thanks, Neet! I was surprised by the number of dragonfly stamps I own!

  2. Oh to have 4 stations, lucky you. Super mixed media projects, love the funky birds one. Hugs bj#3

  3. Hi Chana, thanks for the tour of your work areas, it was really great to see your set up. I always listen to audiobooks when I’m sewing too, working my way through Terry Pratchett at moment. Your mixed media pages are fab but the dragonflies are really gorgeous!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

    1. Thanks, Jan! I was nervous about the pink, but it worked out great! I will have to check out Mr. Pratchett! I am a huge fan of British Authors!

  4. I would love one (proper) workstation never mind 4 ..Great projects . Happy woyww Helen #1

    1. Thanks, Helen! I hope to talk The Hubster into remodeling!

  5. Couldn’t you sleep? I often come downstairs for a cup of tea and some Suduku in the night. I dare not go in my craft room or it would be morning before I knew it 🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

  6. Loving the dragonfly and the colours look perfect and the mixed media pieces too. Four workstations.....very useful. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

  7. Lovely to see your work areas and what lovely projects you’ve produced on them.
    Annie x #6

  8. First of all, I don't know how you can function at 3am! It's nice to have several work stations. I guess with my sewing machine I have 2, but in different rooms! Lovely cards, I like the birds best! And you dragonfly mixed media is coming along well! Thanks for your visit to mine, my Mom was surprised and delighted at her birthday lunch! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

  9. Love all the mixed media stuff!
    I usually only show a small part of my work room as it has the table in the middle surrounded by two more work stations and various storage areas.
    We tend to remember Feb 14th as it is also our wedding anniversary (49 this year).
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

  10. What fabulous projects Chana - I do love dragonflies too. Good to see more of your studio. Sorry I am late visiting this week. It has been manic in the lead up to half term. Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah

  11. Good morning, Chana!
    thank you for adding great things for me to include for GA in my states journal.
    I thought we'd moved far enough south to southern MO almost 19 years ago. The first year we lived here it was 65* on Christmas day and I had clothes on the line. Wondering where that all went! LOL I just keep saying we need the moisture and spring will be here soon. Think warm thoughts LOL
    Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #14

  12. ooh lovely cards (and workdesks) and love dragon flies. I know what you mean re photo editing software, it can be such a pain.

  13. Just 4 stations? I have one, that I have to have pretty clear, I get confused with too much on my desk hahaha Gorgeous projects. I think your dragonfly is very impressive, a beautiful result. x


Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciate it! I try to reciprocate and visit your blogs. If I don't get to you right away, please know that I am on my way there to thank you for your visit.
Happy Crafting!