Wednesday, February 7, 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #766

 Hello, Fellow Creatives!

It is time for another WOYWW weekly blog hop!  Every week, we drop in on one another to encourage, take notes, and share tips, as well as our roses and sometimes our thorns!  If you want to know more about it and how to join in, HOP on over to Julia's Blog (Stamping Ground.)  Everything you need to know is there!


I have had a super busy week.  I have about twenty products still left to review and fifteen more will be arriving in the next two days.    I did manage to complete eight product videos.  They were all approved and posted.  Whew!

I commented on over one hundred entries at my challenge blog, and created my own card for the challenge!

I completed the video for this card and posted it to my YouTube Channel

Finally, last night I was able to work on adding the ephemera pieces to my rebound "Bittersweet" book of poems and short stories!

I used Vintage Photo Distress Ink to distress the edges of the cover and the spine.  I also added a page marker and a mini Tim Holtz clipboard clasp!  I am unsure if I will add the name to the cover.  I rather like it just like this.

Neet suggested that I could make a box for this!  I thought that was an excellent suggestion.  I have a book box template that I used in the past.  I am going to dig it out!  Thanks, Neet!

The Hubster said the cover suggests that the book inside is a Victorian Romance novel!  Like I asked him! ðŸ˜„

Inside Front Cover

Inside Back Cover

Thanks for stopping by!  Looking forward to seeing everyone's desk tomorrow! 
Thought I would share another poem from the book!

by Geoffrey Williams (1959)

A milk-white cat without a care
Reclines within the great green chair.
Against the green her softest white
Brings, when seen,  such pure delight,
That people choose another chair,
And gladly watch her sleeping there.

Chana Malkah


  1. How funny! I have a The Hubster as well :) Loving your book (just saw it yesterday!) and I agree - it looks lovely with no text. Maybe a typed title stuck on the spine? Love the card as well BTW - very simple and fun!
    It's WOYWW day!
    (Determined to be on time)
    Mary Anne (5)

    1. That is funny! Thanks, Mary Anne! I try to be on time but I am easily distracted and that is a challenge to timeliness! :D)

  2. My word, you are so busy! I don't think I twigged you had a challenge blog, I promise to investigate, I find them very inspiring! I have to be honest about Easter, I enjoy the long weekend, but since we're empty nesters I don't do much decorating or special cooking anymore, but I don't want to waste the pastry cutters! I didn't realise that Passover was so complicated,! Why shouldn't it be, it's important, excuse my ignorance! That's a lot of prep and kitchen time in your diary then...does it affect your craft output or are you one of these genius women that keeps a every plate spinning?!

    1. During any of our major holidays, particularly our high holidays (Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Succoth, and Passover,) my crafting keeps me sane. :D) We have to remove all the hametz (leaven) from our homes prior to Pesach (Passoever) and our homes have to be cleaned from ceiling to floor to make sure that no leaven is anywhere in the home.

      We have special pots, dishes, etc., that are only used for Pesach (some people actually have a Pesach kitchen that is only used during that holiday.) The first two nights (outside of Israel) we have sedars (meals where the Exodus from Egypt is remembered. Sedar means "order" and there is an order to how the remembrance takes place. I love Pesach! I use that time to look inward and remove from my life those things that have been holding me back, which is, I suppose what Hashem intended us to do all along!

  3. Oh Wow! busy lady, I think I'd need a rest after doing all that. Loving the poem book that's a great idea. Sending happy woyww hugs, Angela x9x

  4. Love the poem! And the book you made for the poems is gorgeous, yes, very Victorian! And I really like your card, I will go and see how you made it! Have a great week, Lindart #18

    1. Thanks, Linda! I am going back to your blog! My YouTube channel is Chana's Creative Corner!

  5. What is your You Tube Channel? I couldn't find it! Lindart

  6. Oh I love that cat poem! And I do love Neet's suggestion of the box too. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11

    1. Thanks, Lisa-Jane! That poem is a favorite!

  7. Wow you have been busy Chana. Love the latest poem. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  8. you've had a very busy week! some very beautiful projects. happy WOYWW helen #3

  9. Love your book…such talent.
    Hugs, Annie x #7

  10. You're very kind Chana and you're always welcome over at mine and if you need more masterboard ideas you are welcome to pop up to the pages section at the top of my blog where you will find the Masterboard page with ideas and links. Find them here if you need them:
    Have fun. Hugs Angela x9x

  11. Love your Bittersweet. Nice card too. Sounds as if you have been mega busy, 100 comments takes some doing and all those reviews. I take it you work for several companies?
    Thanks for the prayers.
    ~Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  12. Oh the cover is mighty fine, I love it and the box idea of Neet's will keep it extra safe. Love the poem too, we had white cats so I could just see them sleeping there. Defo think you ought to journal your eyebrows. I'm trying to grow mine back after years of plucking but it's taking a while....I told myself I would go to the GP if I fell a 3rd time in a similar manner but pretty sure I must have had labyrinthitis (I was told I had it before, some years ago, after fainting at church) as my right ear was a bit sore inside but only when touched. Anyway the ear is better now and I don't feel as wobbly anymore. Yes Torvil and Dean are still my favourites too. I'm trusting..... Hugs BJ#15

  13. Thanks for your visit earlier . . . bread and butter pudding is . . . buttered bread with sultanas and covered in egg/milk mix and baked in oven. i add cinnamon and ginger and indulge!!! try the BBC website for a recipe suggestion.
    Love that poem, and how often we did sit on another chair just so as not to disturb the cat!!
    I am re reading the story of Moses at the moment . . . so inspirational.

  14. Hi Chana. Lovely to meet you! I'll have to check out your challenge blog when I get a few things caught up. I'm also checking out your youtube channel. Sounds like you stay busy! Love the journal. Creative Blessings!
    ~ Kelly #19

  15. Couldn't find your 767 so I popped in here instead. Love your book... and the poem!
    Happy Valentine's and WOYWW! Susan #9


Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciate it! I try to reciprocate and visit your blogs. If I don't get to you right away, please know that I am on my way there to thank you for your visit.
Happy Crafting!